Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Tricked!; A HArdcore Review

Just finished reading Powergirl 8 and 9 and Kick-Ass 8. Finished the graphic novel, Tricked by Alex Robinson this past weekend too. Remarkable work. Robinson hits "slice of life" out of the park with everything of his that I have read. The fact that he included a character from Box Office Poison was a really nice touch. And the way he wove the tapestry of several individuals into a total mind fuck was some of the best story telling I have ever had the pleasure of reading and viewing, since it's a graphic novel. Robinson tells the story of a semi washed up pop rocker, his new personal assistant; Caprice the holdover from Box Office Poison; her two bosses; the counterfeiting sports memorabilia store employee and his double life; the estranged daughter who never knew her father; and the dejected nervous wreck who loses his job and then his mind.
Tricked! is a fascinatingly fast paced ride through the lives of what is one of the most interesting ensemble cast of characters this side of Wet Moon. The way Robinson draws you into the lives of people you must pass on the street is enthralling. Anybody wishing to write "slice of life" stories should take notes with Robinson's work on Tricked! It is easily one of the best indie graphic novels of this new millennium.
Rating Tricked! on my usual scale this time around gave me a great idea for a grade. After coming back from an 8 month layoff due to rupturing (legitimately) his left quadriceps muscle, Triple H received massive fanfare and a push to the WWE Unified World Title at Wrestlemania 18. The problem was, his wife Stephanie McMahon Helmsley wasn't getting enough attention. During a tantrum Stephanie demands the couple renew their wedding vows, which trust me is a whole other grade in and of itself. She reveals she is pregnant, and gets Triple H to agree to the spectacle. After viewing the sonogram an preparations in the coming weeks on Raw and Smackdown the couple get ready to renew their vows in full black tie regalia. Linda McMahon sends Triple H a video tape of the very same "doctor" who performed the sonogram doing a vacation infomercial. In typical Triple H anti-face fashion, he goes down to the wire of the ceremony until it's his turn to recite his prewritten vows. He rips into Stephanie for all of her conniving, deceitful, two faced actions as of late, only to be physically attacked by the near geriatric Vince McMahon. Triple H "Pedigrees" the father of the bride and tears the wedding set asunder, makes his way up the entrance ramp with Stephanie scorned. I stand by this grade even though you would have to see it to have full effect, rather than read my freaking dissertation of it.

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