Monday, October 31, 2011

My first fan letter? I guess...

Dear Mr. Chihak,
I am a loyal fan of your art and have purchased a few issues of your series. I was wanting to purchase another book, titled Fuzzy Face. Unfortunately, the book wasn't in stock. I then settled for, Bed Head which unlike your other books, had no price printed on the cover. I was astounded to find out that it was being sold for, $10.00! I was willing to believe that it would be TWICE as good as your others, that I have bought for $5.00. Unfortunately I was appalled to discover the contents of Bed Head. Again unlike your other books, which have stories and plot lines, a mere collection of sketches that didn't meet my expectations or your quality of work. As a loyal fan I hope to hear from you soon.

Branden Adams

My response to this, Is I do not know what to say. I mean it says Sketchbook right on the cover. SO it's not like I was false advertising or anything. Plus, I am pretty sure this guy bought the book at Safehouse, so he could have easily looked at the contents before buying it. I have not responded to this email, as I don't really know what I could say to him.


  1. If he were a loyal fan he probably wouldn't be looking to pick bones. I suggest have Agnew write him back- something extra lovey-dovey-gasoline drenched. Maybe a psycho form letter! "thanks for all the kind words! John wanted me to tell you that if not for fans like you he'd have to go back to church! Say no to drugs! Love, Agnew."
