Wednesday, May 5, 2010

NO JUSTICE for Lisa Berrie!

Tucson judge Clark Munger ordered a new trial for the convicted murderer of Lisa Berrie. Munger claims alleged juror misconduct during the jury selection. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the fucking trial judge sitting there when the jury is selected? Wasn't Munger a fucking witness to this? Did he not sit there in his fucking little gown and let this alleged juror misconduct happen? So what is he bitching about now? In calling for a mistrial Clark Munger, I refuse to call him a judge of anything, is spitting on Lisa's memory. Her life and the lives of everyone who has been a victim of domestic violence.
This piece of shit, Paul Beam doesn't deny murdering Lisa Berrie. He admits to it. He claims it was in the heat of the moment, sighting manslaughter. However heat of the moment cases of murder are MURDER 2, not manslaughter. Manslaughter is accidental. And I could care less for the judicial system now. It holds no weight over me anymore. Laws are made to pieces of shit off, and keep the masses in check. Lisa was murdered by a white trash piece of shit who doesn't deserve to be breathing the same air as the rest of so called civilized society. But I'm not asking for the death penalty. That's too easy. The fucker should rot in a prison cell, deprived of daylight and fresh air, bereft of any sort of visitors. He deserves freezing cold showers, rotten food and boiling hot water to drink.
The worst part about this is we just raised over four hundred dollars on Saturday to benefit Emerge! Center Against Domestic Abuse, and four days later I find out a murderer is getting a second chance. This wasn't an isolated incident for Paul Beam. Friends of Lisa say that Beam was possessive and controlling for more than the last two years of Lisa's life. Not letting Lisa leave home for anything other than work and school. And finally when she had enough and made the decision to leave him, it became a matter of life and death. But instead of being a man about it and letting her go. Or just doing the world a big favor and offing himself, the fucker chose to take a life. He chose to end Lisa's life. He took away her ability to make choices FOREVER! He stole a mother. A sister. A daughter. And a friend. Paul Beam deserves the worst that any hell can conjure up for him. He deserves wrath and pain and torment for whatever amount of life he has left in his fucking pathetic excuse for a body. And if it's only a moment more, it's a moment too long.

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