Friday, January 15, 2010

In GAWD we trust?

SItting here contemplating things about life. I just took a really quick shower and got back online. I read the entire Wikipedia page on The West Memphis 3, and I am downloading "Paradise Lost: The Child Murders at Robin Hood Hills," the first volume of a documentary on the trial and the three now young adults in prison. Two for life and one on death row. The way this trial and investigation were described make the OJ Simpson trial seem like it was flawless. One of the accused has an IQ of 72 which means he is borderline retarded. The police coerced a confession out of him as well as getting him to turn on his two co-defendants. It makes me really sick. Sicker to know that people who are innocent are sent away, than people who are guilty going free. Kinda makes me think of a related story here in town. Defendants basically being railroaded into pleaing out and taking a shorter sentence than IF they were tried and convicted on really lose evidence.
I got all three of my guys up this morning and showered and ready for their programs all by myself. It was kinda cool, cause I haven't done that in a while. Transport staff who helps with the morning routines was running late, and I got it all done.
And in other news, Pat Robertson, benevolent host of the 700 Club and obvious man of Christ has done it again in saying that the Haitians made a deal with the devil in order to overthrow their French oppressors and now they are reaping what they sewed. I don't know which pisses him off more, the "fact" that they made a pact with Satan or that they did it to overthrow white oppression? I think the later, cause he's old and white and he's afraid some Haitians are gonna storm his manor and behead his racist, and hypocritical ass. Wait a minute, didn't the American Revolutionaries overthrow white oppressors in the British? We then covered it up and wrote "in God we trust" on all of our money. But first we threw a bunch of tea into the Boston Harbor and framed the Mohawk Indians for it. Well, you white people did anyways. I didn't cause I'm Mexican. I overthrew you when you tried to steal my land and then successfully stole it. But then I helped overthrow the French too. Although I don't remember making a pact with the devil or god. Cause I don't believe in either. And in Pat Robertson's eyes that would mean I'm gonna reap what I sew.

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